Acharya's Words

The following are excerpts from the Master's talk sessions, discourses, and general guidance and wisdom imparted to His disciples and students at different times. The questions have been asked by the students and disciples. Subjects vary right from lifestyle changes, diet, confusions in material and social life, and spirituality. The Master's guidance to them encapsulate the essence of His teachings and are a guide for those who want to understand the virtues of Keimoudo, Moxshlife Yoga and Moxshology in depth, live a happy and liberated life, and create spiritual grounding.

Spiritual Questions

Master's Guidance: Many people ask me what is Moxshlife. It is a result; an output; a fragrance. It describes a liberated, spontaneous, and authentic way of living that helps people live life in celebration and a state of happiness, which is essential for both material and spiritual life.

People—irrespective of whether they are rich, poor, technical, non-technical, artists, poets, farmers, politicians, businesspersons, employed, and belonging to any religion—go through their entire life in search of complete happiness and everlasting contentment. But is it ever achieved?

There is never 'enough' of anything; whether it is food, money, power, the dream to conquer the world, etc. Even those who went on the moon or climbed Mount Everest are not likely to say that I have everything, I achieved everything, I am total and I am the happiest person in the world. Now I am ready to move on and go toward my last journey.

This is because nothing that man does is based on a mission. All actions are guided by a mental force. For the past few decades, this force has been so strong that humanity has progressed in leaps and bounds. Technology is at the core of everything and advances are made in every sector, every day.

However, at the same time, several lifestyle ailments and problems like stress, and premature ageing have increased.

For this jet-age generation, that is hyperactive and constantly seeking More, I have introduced Moxshlife, a life of health, wellness, balance and happiness.

Moxshlife is made up of two words Moxsh and Life. Moxsh is a Sanskrit word that is often confused with the word Mukti. To understand Moxsh, it is essential to understand Mukti.

People seek mukti (or freedom) from this life of suffering. It is an idea or a promise that gives nothing in life, but gives a false promise about Mukti from our sufferings in the afterlife.

The freedom that mukti describes is freedomfromsomeone or something. It is external. According to me, getting external freedom or mukti—whether it is from bondage, custody, slavery, dogma, etc.—is easy.

But Moxsh is not freedom, it means liberation. Liberation is a very powerful and constructive word. It is also a state of freedom. It is freedom ' for and not freedom from. It is freedom from our own ego; freedom from the confines of the known and the defined, and a journey into the mysterious expanses of the consciousness.

Moxsh is liberation. It is a state of freedom where for the first time, the vast expanse of the universe and its divine energy unfolds and is embraced. The person is then free for living an authentic life. Every moment is a moment of celebration, and the state of oneness is achieved.

Master's Guidance: Achieving the state of thoughtlessness in meditation is the ultimate stage in meditation and spiritual study. It is achieved after intense practice, like in the case of every art and science. Just like you require several years of dedication, sincere study, and practice to pass 10th standard or become a dancer, musician, physicist, or an engineer, the final stage in meditation is also achieved after rigorous and intense practice.

You have just begun this study and at this stage you will find that meditation will help relieve mental and physical fatigue. To progress in meditation, you will need to practice pranayama and other techniques, consume the right kind of food, etc. Also, your Guru's constant presence during your sadhna or practice is very important.

Let me tell you a bit more about meditation. It is the process where you watch your thoughts. It is just like watching a movie. While watching a movie, most people get involved. That's why they experience happiness, anger, sadness, etc. as the story progresses. Although it isn't real, as long as the movie is on, we are totally and completely a part of it. Some people however just watch a movie. They just witness everything that's going on without letting the movie affect their emotions.

You would know that great sages have said life is a play or a leela. Meditation is a process where you learn to watch or witness your thoughts as they flash before your mind's eye. The challenge lies in not participating or encouraging the thoughts. It is both easy and difficult and therefore can be achieved only through serious practice.

Let me tell you a story. Long ago when the world was indeed beautiful and serene, there was a holy man, or sage, in a village. He would go outside the village every day in the middle of the night. This behavior piqued the curiosity of all the villagers who began speculating about the reasons for the nocturnal outing.

One day, unable to stand it any longer, the guard of one of the rich men in the village decided to follow the sage. He was surprised to find that the sage went and sat at the village's river bank and began staring into nothing. He followed the sage for a couple of more days and found that the sage repeated the same routine each night.

He finally mustered the courage to go up to the sage and asked him, Oh holy sage, I have been observing you for so many days. You come here every day in the middle of the night and just sit here. What are you doing? Hearing the guard, the sage turned around and asked, Who are you?

“I am a watchman, said the guard. I guard the house of the rich man in the village.

Wait. You helped me, said the sage. I am also doing the same thing. I am a watchman too. I watch my mind.

Moral: as part of the society, we have developed the habit of getting involved in everything and everyone around us. A spiritual person considers everything a mere play and just watches everything around him/her without getting involved.

Master's Guidance: When you are frustrated, do not meditate. Because meditation is not for peace of mind, relaxation, beauty, etc. as is the common perception. Meditation is a tool in your quest to realize your soul.

So when you are disturbed, you must shut your mind (not out of frustration) and come out of the frustration. Take a break. Otherwise your brain will shut down everything. Do something that will engage your mind in something else. Every person has a stepney like music, novel, movie, or walking). Use it for 15 minutes.

Then as your frustration eases, ask yourself whether your reason to get frustrated was justified or not. Once you get the answer and you've understood, do not think about it again and again.

Thinking about it and storing it in your mind or memory is wrong. It is important to understand that mind is not just in the brain, but all over the body. The energy generated by your thoughts circulate throughout the body through our blood. And therefore, continuously carrying bad or negative thoughts affects us and causes diseases that affect all parts of the body and mind.

Doing Yoga or Martial Arts refreshes our mind and the improved blood circulation gives us positive benefits. In our lineage and in our organization, we follow the principle, keep your footwear and ego outside before you enter.

On Diet, Exercise and Lifestyle

Master's Guidance: Although it is not easy to speak about diet in general, let me tell you this: a good diet should not be expensive. Nature has given food for free. Simple foods like lemon, fruits like Banana, papaya, apple and grains like rice, wheat, dal, sprouts, leafy vegetables, etc. are more than enough.

Master's Guidance: We get stamina through healthy food, proper sleep, regular exercise, stress-free life and healthy habit. It is important to consume proper food in proper quantity at proper time. Practice of Keimoudo and Moxshlife Yoga also gives stamina. And the most important thing is following a healthy habit, without which also our stamina will be drained. Healthy habit includes not consuming alcohol, non-smoking, conserving energy by talking less and only when required, proper thinking etc. Meditation also plays a big role in restoring stamina. Meditation calms us down and puts a stop to unnecessary wastage of energy and makes us stress-free, which results in good stamina.

Master's Guidance: 7 hours of sound sleep is sufficiant for a human being, provided we eat well, do meditation and exercise well, and live a good life. We are the only animals who sleep on our spine, which is a very delicate and vital organ that cannot absorb the stress of our weight for over 8 hours. According to yogic science, 40 minutes' Savasan is equal to 8 hours sleep. Sleeping in the afternoon is not good for health.

Master's Guidance: I salute you because you are a brave man. After having side effects, why do you still want to consume it? It is very bad to have protein powders. Who was training you when you were into bodybuilding? Unfortunately, in India most trainers are uneducated and feel that by giving these products, they will very quickly be able to have a group of bodybuilders.

All such products are bad. Do not consume them. Some people even have large quantities of bananas or eggs. Even then you will have problems. Excess of anything is bad. You will put yourself in deep trouble.

Master's Guidance: Yes definitely. Both Martial arts and yoga have certain positions and our body takes a particular shape. In Yoga it is subtle and passive and in martial arts it is active. Now for example, if while practicing push-ups in martial arts, a student puts more weight on one hand, then he/she will face problems on that side, because his/her entire body weight is on one elbow. Same is the case with techniques like jab, which have a particular way of doing. But there are two types of students: one type does not understand anything and is only concerned with throwing the technique. The second type of student have their own understanding of the techniques based on what they have seen, etc. And they use unnecessary speed, power, etc. without understanding the technique, but still feel that their technique is the best. It does not matter what the Master says, they will continue doing the same technique.

In martial arts there are two reasons for sustaining side-effects or injuries. First is lack of understanding by student and the second is the instructor. If the instructor is not qualified, does not understand students, their natures, physiology or anatomy, then the students might face problems.

For example, we do not allow students who are below 12 years to practice knuckle pushups. This is a very important thing and it is related to the student's growth. But some people do not understand this and teach knuckle pushups to children. We have considered many such things that do not cause harm to students. If the students and teachers have this basic understanding then there are minimal chances of side effects.

Also, for example, in martial arts breathing plays an important role. But many students do not breathe properly, and do not say Hu and Kiai properly—I am not asking them to say Hu and Kiai very loudly, but properly.

Life at home and society

Master's Guidance: It is simple. If you get something that you were going after then you are successful. But I will say one more thing. If you get success, but it consumes all your time, energy, and peace of mind in the process, then even if you achieve it, it is of no use. If you are going after a future success that makes your today hell, then you will never be successful. If your present is good, then future is also good.

Master's Guidance: If you look at something else or someone else and try to become like that, you will not get motivated. You should look at someone for inspiration and want something for yourself, then you do not need motivation. Motivation is automatic when something becomes your need and necessity and you put your 100% behind it.

Master's Guidance: When you drop your ego and meditate, there is only happiness. Only you can give yourself happiness. No amount of money or fame will make you happy. Keep yourself engaged and happy. Material happiness comes with its sadness, just like a flower comes with thorns. Be independent and spend your life well, while going in the proper direction.

Master's Guidance: It is indeed a serious problem, but the problem is not with the children. It is a problem because parents have not been educated on parenthood. Unfortunately, over the past 600 years or so, we have lost sight of our culture and education system.

In our traditional Gurukulam system of learning, a Guru, who was an experienced and educated person, would explain the responsibilities of all actions and decisions you would make in your life and guide you in the right manner. When a couple would decide to get married, the Guru would explain the meaning of becoming a wife, a husband, a father, and a mother.

These days, we have no one to guide us in these topics. Our schooling makes us qualified and not educated. Our life is on autopilot. We know we have to study, graduate, find a job, get married, and have children. We don't know why we are doing it; we just know that we have to. Therefore, people get frustrated or unhappy after marriage and fight with the spouse, dominate over them, and yell at the kids.

If you are a parent, you must understand your child. Talk to your child after understanding them. Don't tell them yes or no. Let them understand that you understand them. Don't become their friend. A parent must act and behave like a parent and not a friend.

Also remember, fighting is normal in children. That's how they learn. They need to find a way to channel their energy and fighting is one such channel. Fighting will help them respect each other and bond over the years. If they hurt themselves while fighting, explain to them the consequences and you will find that they will realize their mistake and be more careful in future.

Mysteries of the Mind

Master's Guidance: Before we try to understand how to conquer or win over our ego, we must first understand what ego means. Only then will we be able to decide whether we need ego or not both in material and spiritual life.

Until now, we have had our own understanding of the term ego based on whatever we've read in books or based on what society or our friends and family have told us. Similarly, we have our own understanding of what is material life and what is spiritual life.

For example, we attribute emotions like anger, frustration, etc. to the presence of ego. In the same way we attribute our personal, social life which includes our worldly possessions as materialistic and the giving up of all worldly possessions and retreating from society as spiritual.

Unfortunately, all of these understandings are incorrect.

Ego is nothing but the mind, an instrument given by God to us during the time of our birth. At that time, the ego is natural and basic and very important. It helps us understand and respond to basic instincts like danger, hunger, sleep, etc. apart from this, it is so empty and in such a pure state that we have no understanding of whether we are boy or girl, rich or poor, which religion we belong to, etc.

But then as we start to grow, our parents and the society begin installing different information to us and our social mind or ego develops. While the mind we got at the time of birth was a natural product, ego is a social product.

This ego teaches us to be selfish and think only about ourselves. In the process, we slowly start becoming victims to emotions like jealousy, insecurity, deceit, weakness, fear, frustration, unhappiness, depression, etc.

While this ego or social mind is a big obstacle in spiritual practice, it is also very harmful in the material world. Because we have not understood this simple fact, we are unhappy because somewhere deep down we know we have done something wrong.

Our mind is over developed and as a result we have too much ego and this makes us afraid and weak. It is our fear born out of lack of understanding and clarity that gets us frustrated at different situations and we term this frustration as anger. In reality, anger is a very positive form of energy. It results in something positive. But frustration is negative and takes away from us.

Therefore, it is obvious that ego is important. Without it we will die. It is like removing the basic operating system from our computer. Right now, the best solution is to learn to control the ego and stop letting the ego control you. Stop becoming its slave. Instead, befriend it. Don't ever assume that the ego can be killed. We have fed and nurtured it for so long that it now has the power of a 1000 elephants.

But through meditation, it is possible to chip away the ego and arrive at the basic state of mind; a mind that is divine, satvik, and selfless. It is a state that helps us live in the moment. This mind is also intelligent. It is like the minds of wild animals, which have the power to anticipate natural calamities, treat themselves when sick, travel thousands of miles on air, land, and water without losing direction, etc.

The next part: what is material and what is spiritual? Material comes from the word matter and spiritual comes from the word spirit. They are inseparable and a part of the same coin. Matter is the outer aspect and spirit is the inner aspect. But we have had our own understanding of these terms. For example, we might see the vast material possessions of a businessman and assume he is happy. Similarly, we get impressed by several so-called spiritual people by looking at their attire, mild manner of speaking etc. and think that they are successful spiritual people. But in reality spirituality is defined by lifestyle and thoughts.

A true Master or Guru will guide seekers in the material world so that they do not suffer and become depressed. He will teach them the limit. For those interested in going beyond, he will also teach spiritual science.

It is only when you are with a true Master will you learn that life is a balance between material and spiritual. You cannot separate matter and spirit, and a spiritual person is one who gains the balance of both things.

Master's Guidance: First, about the mind: You must understand that what we call 'mind' is there not just in your head, but in every cell and every portion of your body. It makes you accept what suits it, and reject what does not suit it. If someone tells you something good, you like it and you accept that person. But if someone criticizes you, you don't like it and you reject that person. This is ego. Whenever you look at someone and you feel jealousy, envy, anger, or hatred, it is ego. The original or basic mind that we get at the time of birth is actually very pure. It is just something that god has given us to take care of our body. The sight, sound, smell, feelings are all senses given to protect ourselves and watch where we are going. And then we have a developed mind, which I call the social mind, which develops as we grow. This develops in our house, through society, by reading books, collecting information, etc. And then we all have some incidents or encounters in our life that shakes us up. We store it in our mind and say it was a bad thing, and it was bad for me, or it ruined me. In this manner, we make unnecessary use of our mind and memory and develop a thick crust of ego.

About luck, fate or destiny: If someone predicts that a person will have hundreds of people around him/her and will fly extensively around the world. This could come true in several manners: that person could become a great businessman, a saint, or an underworld don. All three will have hundreds of people around them (workers, disciples, or henchmen) and would fly around the world. Fate or destiny does not decide what a person should be, the person himself or herself decides that. And then there is the element of hard work, without which none of the three will become successful. People become successful out of any three reasons: they have inherited the quality and work hard on it; they look at someone and get inspired and then work hard on it; or you they get guidance from someone and they work hard on it. There is no fourth way.

When a seed germinates, we have no idea about the kind of energy and intense pain that it undergoes. It rips itself apart and pushes both downward and upwards bore thorough the earth. Every mango seed has the quality. But if you choose to keep the seed at home and not plant it, will it germinate? Then can you say that the seed's luck or fate is bad?

Unfortunately, we have been fed words like fate, luck and destiny from childhood and we begin to give too much importance to it. We forget the importance of hard work and instead pray to God to alter our destiny or bring us luck. If you have not studied or worked hard, what can God do to help you get good marks in exams? What you make of yourself is in your own hands.

Workings of Karma

Master's Guidance: There are two parts to this answer. The first is on thoughts and deeds, and the second is on good and bad.

There is a saying in Hindi Maa-baap karte hai aur bacche bhugat-te hai (Children suffer consequences of Parents' acts). There are two meanings to this. One is obvious; for example, if parents have done bad things, are criminals, etc. then their children face its consequences in the public and elsewhere in their lives. But I will go beyond and focus on the other aspect.

If parents do bad deeds, have bad thoughts all the time, then these thoughts get seeped into their very system. It is there in their skin, bones, blood, hair etc. So these qualities come by default to their children.

Lord Shri Krishna says in the Bhagawad Gita that As you do, so shall you reap. This is Karma (or action/reaction). Let me tell you a bit about karma. It is a very complicated subject but I will simplify it.

As an example, let us say that a person slaps someone. Then according to common law and people's understanding, it is sin. Let's say the person will get 1 kilo of sin as per the karma. Now if there is another person, who does not slap someone, but thinks of slapping that someone. The person thinks all the time of slapping that someone. Now as per common law and people's understanding, it is not a sin. But according to karma, this person will get 2 kilos of sin! In the first case, the slapping was spontaneous, but in the second case, the thoughts are intentional and planned. It is a greater sin according to karmic law.

And so anyone who teaches bad things or does bad things, and spoils others finds that the badness gets seeped in them. Then when the person gives birth, the child has that nature by default. A cow's offspring is always a cow.

It is my attempt always to help you change your thoughts, become positive, and be in a positive environment. If you change your thoughts, 80% of your illnesses and problems will go away.

Now the second part: You need to understand what is good and bad.

Let me tell you a story. A person was begging and asking for Rs. 50. A person comes by and gives him Rs. 100 and tells the beggar, Please don't mind my asking, but by looking at you, you don't seem like a beggar. The beggar tells the person, You are right. I was also once very rich and had a lot of money. and I also had nature like you. I would give Rs. 100 to the person who asked for Rs. 50!

People think that feeding the poor is good. But all these so-called philanthropic actions make the beggars, beggars for life. You remind orphans that they are orphans, remind the poor that they are poor and you subconsciously do it to satisfy your own ego and raise yourself higher. All of this is a sin. You need to first understand what is good and bad, and this only a Guru can tell you.

People try to appease God by doing good deeds, keeping idols and photographs of Gods in their houses and praying to him. Some people even tell me they pray because they want to thank God for the life they've got. This is not the correct understanding. We cannot measure God the way we measure man. How can Your God be kind to you and give you everything and make millions of people beggars? How is it fair? Is that the way God works? If yes, I do not accept such a God.

But all these practices are done because we have not understood; we have blindly believed and followed. We have prayed to a God outside and asked Him for favors and blessings.

A true seeker of God looks within himself. You can find God in a place where man would commonly never even think of seeking: within yourself. You need to go within yourself and experience God. For that, you need to meditate.

Go after the God that made man, not the God made by man. And you should thank God only after you get enlightenment. But when you do, you will realize that there is no need to say thanks. Because then, there is no divide. You and God are the same. It is just like adding a drop of water to the ocean. The minute it touches the water, there is no drop. It loses its identity as a drop and becomes the ocean itself.

Lessons from Mythology

Master's Guidance: Everyone just knows that Lord Shri Krishna was naughty and went after village girls and that later, he instigated a very big war. And there are many interpretations of the war. Also, some say that if He was a God then why didn't He stop the war. Or, that if He was God then He should not have hit back, but turned the other cheek, etc.

First, we have to understand Lord Shri Krishna. And the reason for the war. It was a very unique war. Both parties were friends of Shri Krishna. He could have avoided the war.

Besides, one party was 'dharmi' (on the right path) and the other was 'adharmi' (on the wrong path). He chose to be with the dharmi and sent his narayani sena(the Narayani troops) to the adharmi. That leads to another question: Was that the right thing to do? Should he have sent his own soldiers, who were good, to the adharmi side? One can say that He should have fought with the adharmi party and let his army be with the dharmi party.

If you think about it, you will be able to spot several so-called mistakes by Lord Sri Krishna. That is why people find it difficult to accept him as God.

On the other hand, lord Ram is accepted easily as God, because He gave up everything. And we consider people who torture themselves as spiritual. But Lord Shri Krishna was open and accepted and was happy with everything. He had no lust or wanting for anything.

Mahabharata is a political and spiritual science; and Ramayana was a social science. I say that Lord Shri Krishna is a perfect example of a complete person and such a person was not there before and will never be there in future as well.

I understood Gita in the first page itself. If you see carefully, it has a chariot with 5 horses. The chariot is made of gold. And Lord Shri Krishna has the reins which are loose. Lord Sri Krishna is the driver and Arjun is at the back. The five horses represent the five senses, which must be in our control. And our life's chariot must be driven by our soul.

Geeta means the song of our lives. When you go deep in meditation, you will be able to sing the song of life.

The chariot is our body and it must be pure like gold. It is pure because of good thoughts, good deeds, good food, and good company. Only then will your mind and soul be good. We have ego and ego is of two types… one is Arjun and one is Duryodhan. Duryodhan is the one who takes all your stuff. Arjun is the one who will give you everything. Shakuni is one who will coerce you to do wrong thing. All these qualities are within us. We also have the fourth or purest part, which is Lord Shri Krishna.

That's why before the war, Arjun refuses to fight. He says that the party that I am fighting has my guru, my brothers, etc. And then right there in the battle field, Lord Shri Krishna speaks to him. This center path is the spiritual path. Otherwise we keep oscillating between good and bad.

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